
Embracing the Future: The Case for Metaverse Cyber Time (MCT) White Paper

1. Introduction

Throughout history, our understanding and measurement of time have evolved, from ancient sundials to atomic clocks. Today, as digital realms gain significance, time is poised for another transformation. This white paper introduces and supports the adoption and widespread use of Metaverse Cyber Time (MCT) as a unified time standard tailored for the digital age. In an era where the boundaries between the physical and digital realms blur and "phygital" experiences become more common, the concept of time is ripe for evolution.

2. A Unified Digital Realm

The metaverse, whether termed the “spatial web,” “web3,” or any other monikers, represents a living, evolving space where real-time interactions are crucial. This collective virtual shared space, created by converging physical and virtual reality, is no longer a concept confined to science fiction. Despite many popular declarations to the contrary, the metaverse is not dead. Indeed, we are spending increasing amounts of time in digital spaces – working, socializing, and creating. And as we do, the need to rely on a standardized time system becomes more evident. MCT offers a single time reference, eliminating the confusion of juggling multiple time zones.

3. Phygital Meetings: Bridging the Physical and Digital Realms

The convergence of the physical and digital worlds has birthed "phygital" experiences. "Phygital meetings" epitomize this trend, allowing participants to engage in real-time interactions, synchronized to MCT. These meetings transcend traditional voice or video calls, encompassing virtual reality conferences to augmented reality collaborations.

4. The Utility of the Phygital Meeting Planner

To address the challenges of coordinating global phygital meetings, we present the Phygital Meeting Planner, a tool for schedule planning for phygital meetings with multiple participants in different geographic timezones. 

5. Bridging Global Divides

In our interconnected world, businesses, communities, and individuals are more interconnected than ever. Yet, time zone differences remain a logistical challenge. MCT simplifies global interactions, providing a singular answer to "what time is it in the metaverse?" regardless of the physical location of multiple participants.

6. A Time for All Platforms

From virtual reality platforms and online games to digital workspaces and social media, MCT provides a consistent time standard. No matter where you are in the digital realm, the sense of shared time fosters unity and collective experience.

7. Reducing Complexity in Programming, Monetary Transfers, and the Blockchain

For developers and programmers, managing time zones can be a complex task, often leading to bugs and inefficiencies. MCT offers a streamlined approach, reducing the need for complex time zone conversions and ensuring that digital events trigger simultaneously for users worldwide. Blockchain, a decentralized ledger technology that underpins cryptocurrencies and has vast applications beyond, often has its own temporal methodologies. While many blockchains share similar time-tracking methods, variations exist. MCT can provide a future-facing tool and unified reference point, aiding in the synchronization of activities across different blockchain platforms.

8. Future-Proofing Our World

We are now experiencing rapid technological advancements that are affecting our everyday lives. Given the advances in augmented reality, virtual reality, and extended or mixed reality, the integration of a consistent time system like MCT will help us prepare for the future. As these technologies become more ingrained in our daily lives, a widely used unified time standard will become indispensable.

9. Celebrating Global Moments Together

Why not celebrate New Year's Eve or other global events at the exact same moment, regardless of your geographical location? While geographic regions can still wait until nightfall to light up the fireworks, MCT allows for synchronized celebrations, fostering a sense of global unity and shared human experience, even when events are not necessarily metaverse-centric.

10. Addressing the Redundancy Argument: MCT vs. UTC

One argument against the adoption of MCT is its perceived redundancy given the existence of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Why introduce a new time standard when UTC, which has served our current world well, already exists? The responses are several:

Digital Native, Human Physiology: While UTC has its roots in astronomical and atomic timekeeping, MCT is forward-thinking, designed with the digital realm in mind. It's tailored for the metaverse, virtual realities, and interconnected digital platforms, making it more relevant to our evolving digital lifestyles. While local time zones are necessary and must always be recognized and respected for our human circadian rhythms (essential for good health and well-being), MCT provides a harmonized temporal framework that seamlessly integrates with the dynamic rhythm of our digital existence, ensuring that as we traverse both physical and virtual spaces, we remain synchronized and unified.​

Simplicity in User Experience: UTC, while universal, is often accompanied by offsets (UTC+1, UTC-5, etc.) based on geographical regions. MCT offers a singular time reference, eliminating the need for offsets and simplifying time-related interactions in digital spaces.

Cultural Neutrality: UTC, by its very nature, is tied to Earth's rotation and the prime meridian in Greenwich, London. MCT, on the other hand, is culturally neutral, not tied to any specific geographical or historical reference, making it a truly global standard.

11. Adaptability: Tailored for Change, the Only Constant

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital technologies, our requirements and expectations shift at a breakneck pace. MCT isn't just a response to the present; it's a proactive solution for the future. Built on a flexible foundation, MCT is primed to adapt to the emerging needs of the digital realm, ensuring its relevance amidst swift technological progress.

Historically, attempts to popularize UTC among tech enthusiasts, metaverse pioneers, and digital aficionados have been met with limited success. It felt to some like retrofitting a traditional system into a new-age context. In contrast, MCT emerges as innovative. Not just another time standard; it's a time standard crafted for the specific nuances of a community that frequently lives with one foot in each world: both the physical and digital. The novelty and precision cater to the burgeoning metaverse and resonates with its ethos and aspirations. As this community continues to expand its influence in our broader culture, MCT stands poised to become a defining temporal benchmark.

12. Conclusion

Metaverse Cyber Time heralds a unified future. As we navigate our interconnected world, MCT promises a new era of global togetherness.

Note: time and date calculations should be made in coordination with established time and date standard authorities; MCT is pegged to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) minus (-) six (6) hours; MCT does not get adjusted for Daylight Saving Time; to avoid ambiguity, MCT is referenced in accordance with the 24-hour clock, often called "military time"; actual time and date listing presented on this website is subject to "time lag" and other errors and is not intended as a scientific or technical source reference. This website is provided soley for entertainment purposes (cf Metaverse Radio LLC).

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current time in the metaverse and phygital meeting planner